There are many things to take into consideration while studying. To study well, you will need to put your housework on hold. During the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of students studying abroad. Students usually seek education outside of their country of origin to prepare themselves for a future that they can create for themselves. As the competition ahead is fierce, it should be first-and-foremost in the minds of a student to choose a degree with maximum potential; otherwise, it will be hard to make a living out of it in the future. In recent times, there has been a growing number of international students seeking to study in their own countries due to increased globalization. There have been numerous benefits discussed concerning higher education in home countries; in part, there are also many disadvantages that are not so apparent. Thus, today we will have a look at the disadvantages and advantages of studying in the home country.
Advantages of Studying in the Home Country
When it comes to deciding whether to study in college, this seems to be the main concern for many people, especially those whose household income is sufficient to meet their basic needs. Several astronomical fees and living costs need to be considered when assessing the affordability of this education.
Aside from the cost, you should also consider your room and board when making your decision. Make sure you research any associated costs with the place where you intend to study and the courses you intend to take
Known Place
It is always preferable to stay in the culture you grew up in rather than go abroad, so for those with a preference for staying in the country, studying domestically is right up your alley.
Nevertheless, when you study abroad, you may still find that you need to adjust to a new environment, especially if you must travel to other states or cities to do your internship. Comparatively speaking, it won’t take you that long to get used to your new surroundings, unlike those studying abroad. Moreover, if you’re interested in studying abroad, you won’t face such widespread cultural changes as you would at home.
No Language Barrier
You will find studying locally beneficial if you’re not too keen on learning foreign languages or only want to study in an environment where people speak the language you understand and know. The ordering of food, corresponding with friends and lecturers, enrolling in a course, and other such activities will be very familiar and straightforward.
In summation, this can be a paramount concern for some people whenever they are considering travelling overseas for any reason.
Here I would like to emphasize that the main concern here is that those suffering from severe diseases like cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, in addition to anemia particularly, might not be permitted to take flight. Consequently, studying abroad might not be an option for them.
Disadvantages of Studying in the Home Country
It can be challenging to relocate to a new place and meet people for the new site to become a home, but that process builds character. In addition to it, going to college abroad exposes you to a plethora of new experiences that you will not be able to get if you stay close to home. College is a time when you study and a time when you learn about who you are over your college years. If you are willing to step outside your comfort zone, you can open new opportunities such as a foreign trip, an internship, or even just meeting people with different kinds of backgrounds.
Killing Comfort Zone
You might have to step out of your comfort zone to get used to the surroundings. If you don’t live with your parents, but you still live nearby, it might look like your parents will show up on your doorstep at the ungodly hour of 9 in the morning. Even though you might find it challenging to go away to college at first, you won’t have to worry about your family getting involved in your business as you are away at college.
We are not saying that attending college in the same place you heard of your high school would rob you of a whole and happy life. It is necessary to acknowledge that moving out of town and starting from scratch has its advantages. It is essential to realize that this time in your life only happens once, and you may end up looking back and wondering what you missed because you did not leave your home. There is nothing abnormal about asking yourself ‘what if’, but with a bit of courage, you can ensure that you never have to face those questions again. The joy of leaving home is stepping out and making your life your own – your way. You may not understand how it feels to live in a place where you don’t know anyone.
If you have a scholarship or are enrolled in an exchange program and take extra classes to maintain your enrollment in the program, it can be a challenge. There are times when students have a period of adjustment, also called culture shock. They may lack the necessary determination to keep up with their otherwise excellent study habits. In studies that have been conducted about studying abroad, colleges have reported that loneliness is a factor that they did not think about before joining a popular exchange program.
Should I Stay Home or Go Abroad for Study?
Choosing to study abroad might not be the right choice for every student, as I mentioned above. I understand that there are many advantages to studying abroad. However, I must also emphasize that it is essential to remember that learning at home has many benefits. The pros and cons of each option are pretty much the same, but in the end, it is up to you what the best option for you is.