A farewell is a period when you say your goodbyes to someone. Typically, a farewell letter is written to colleagues or workmates when someone is leaving a job or to buddies when you leave them for the time being. A farewell letter is not just a way to inform others about your decision or a new direction in life. Still, it also allows you to express your feelings to those to whom you are saying goodbye. There are some farewell notes here that you will enjoy. A letter or an email might be used to send a farewell note. It is a formal letter if it is addressed to your coworkers, but it is a personal or private note and should be casual if addressed to friends and family.
Importance of Farewell Letter
Sending a goodbye email to your colleagues before your last day is a very typical procedure, even when everyone knows you’re going. It’s proper etiquette and a lovely way to end your tenure at a company, mainly if you’ve developed strong ties with your coworkers, bosses, and clients. Possibilities are, whether you need a reference letter or a LinkedIn recommendation, you’ll want to reach out to these folks in your circle. They may also interact with you with additional chances in the future if you return the favor.
What to Include in Your Farewell Letter?
1. Make Your Letter Unique
Instead of sending a mass email to everyone, consider personalizing each letter to the individual. Address each person by name and, if feasible, attach a personal anecdote or note about your time together. It will have more impact than sending a mass email.
2. Say thanks
This letter is your opportunity to thank the person who helped you or mentored you.
3. Provide your contact information
Provide contact information for your coworkers once you’ve left. Include a non-official email address as well as your mobile number. You also might give the URL to your LinkedIn profile. Note that once you’ve walked on, you can’t get access to your work email system.
4. Keep it positive
The purpose of the letter, once again, is to maintain contact with former employees; you do not want to make a negative impression. Even if you’re going on terrible terms, you don’t have to tell your coworkers about it.
5. Keep it short
Just a few paragraphs will make enough. You could wish to highlight your future intentions in addition to thanking them and offering your contact information. Apart from that, keep it brief and to the point.
6. Read a sample before writing
To help you create your own goodbye note to colleagues, you might utilize a sample farewell letter or email message. However, make sure to customize the message to meet your own scenario.
Farewell Letter Template
A sample can be used as a starting place for your own letter. However, you must constantly personalize and tailor your letter to represent your professional experience and working relationships. If you don’t wish to add a mobile number in your farewell letter, for example, you don’t have to.
Dear First Name,
Let your colleagues know you’re leaving the job in the very first paragraph of your farewell letter. It’s pretty acceptable to let them know where you’re going and what you’ll be doing. However, make no derogatory remarks about your current workplace or the reason for your departure. You must also specify the day you will be going so that your colleagues have enough time to say their goodbyes if they so desire.
In the second paragraph, express gratitude to your colleagues for all of their assistance. Mention how much you liked working with them and how much you will remember them, even though it is now for you to walk on. Based on how many colleagues you have, you may want to personalize this section for each of them, mentioning something specific that you admire.
The final paragraph should provide contact information for your contacts. Your private email address, mobile number, and LinkedIn URL should all be included.
Reiterate your gratitude in the final paragraph.
Yours truly,
Your FirstName
1. When to send a farewell letter and how to do it?
Sending your farewell letter as near to your last day of work as possible is an intelligent suggestion. Your colleagues should get the letter on your last day on the job after completing your responsibilities. You’ll have more time to say farewell to people this way. You can write a handwritten message, an email, or a farewell letter. An email is a quick and easy way to notify everyone about your departure. If you send a physical letter, make sure it arrives before you go, so everyone has time to say farewell in person if they like.
2. Who should be the recipient of a farewell letter?
While you can tell most of your coworkers that you’re leaving in face-to-face interaction, writing a letter assures that everyone is aware of your departure. When deciding who should receive a goodbye letter, use your best judgment. If you work in a tiny workplace, you might as well send it to everyone. Try writing the letter only to your close team or group or specific persons who have worked very closely throughout your time at the organization if you work for a bigger organization.