10 Study Habits to be a Genius in 2023

Putting good study habits in place, as well as the use of some appropriate techniques, become key points for a student to achieve success in everything that he or she sets out to do and in what they have to face throughout their academic life.

For this reason, study habits become an ace up their sleeves for those children, adolescents, university students and adults who must study frequently to obtain good results.

Especially when taking exams, since otherwise it will be very difficult to pass them, and even, that your learning process is almost nil.

And it is that the academic success and the security with which you will have to assume the courses or subjects that you take during your academic process.

In addition to the exams, they will always depend on the planning that you give to your studies, their organization and above all, the time you dedicate to them.

As well as having good material and knowing how to control your emotional state, since even if you know any topic from a to z, if you have problems every time you have to take an exam, unfortunately the results will not be as expected.

This will be a topic for a future article.

Did you know? There are several investigations that are focused on the academic life of students and the achievements or failures they achieve, which conclude that the lack of study habits contributes significantly to obtaining these good or bad results.

Believe us, we are not exaggerating when talking about a topic as important as this, so you know, the way you assume your study habits will mark your path to academic success.

Even above your memory capacity or intelligence that you have, and if you want to be an impeccable student, this Didactic Mind entry is for you.

What are study habits?

As you have seen in the previous lines, study habits are related to the best and most powerful and most powerful strategy towards academic success.

To be a good student, it is not enough to be intelligent or to have a good memory, since what will determine our good academic performance is the time we dedicate to our studies.

As well as the proper way in which we assume, and this we can only achieve through good study habits.

You have noticed how during school time, we were taught to incorporate study habits in a systematic way, which were taught directly.

We had some teachers who checked our notebooks, took our assistance and told our parents all our academic movements.

When we arrive at the university, we realize that although we have more responsibilities, more levels of demand, we see more content and our environment allows us to be supervised.

So much so that they practically leave it up to us if we want to study, go to classes or even take exams, obviously with its consequences, but in itself we discovered that the pedagogical model changed.

It is here, in this university stage, when we usually discover if we have good or bad study habits.

Those who begin to have somewhat negative results, try to improve their strategies to organize their time, have a correct way to take notes, investigate techniques to learn to search, and select information.

Also put into practice tips to concentrate more, etc. while those who see the other side of the coin, seek to potentiate their techniques to improve their academic results.

Whatever the situation, in both cases the common characteristic is that they are looking to learn and train with new study habits that strengthen and facilitate our ability to learn.

Do not worry that in this Didactic Mind entry we will teach you how to do it.

10 study habits to be a successful student

Throughout our academic life we ​​always met a classmate who was super intelligent, got the best grades and in one way or another we envied those results, or is that right?

Unfortunately many of us are demotivated by not seeing different results and even though we try too hard, there is always someone who is above us.

What is different about them? Could it be genetics? Do teachers buy? What happens?

Well, for your peace of mind, it is neither one nor the other, it is simply quite likely that their study habits are better than yours.

If we analyze the study habits of students who achieve excellent grades, regardless of whether they are college or university students, we realize that they have several things in common.

They tell us that there is a path and a path that leads us to the goal of being a successful student.

Mente Didactica wants to share these study habits with you exclusively for you.

1. You must carry out a study plan

Although it may seem that many people have this habit, the truth is that there are few who put it into practice.

Those few are precisely those students who get Excellent, 5.0 or 10 in everything they do.

If, due to things in life, you feel that you are full of a lot of work and this has already overwhelmed you, it is best to organize an agenda in which you carry out each of these tasks in order of priority.

Believe us, this will help you to have a little more motivation and, above all, it will help you to have a little more concentration.

2. Create your own notes

On many occasions we tend to understand a topic more when we are the ones who write what we understand.

It is very likely that many books or websites that you consult have technical language that can hinder this understanding process.

From Mente Didactica we advise you to create your own resources every time you have to study.

Create your own concept maps, your own texts, your own graphics, etc.

3. Do not be left with doubts, Ask ! 

Who are the ones who raise their hands the most and ask questions in class?

They are the students who do very well in class, right?

Do not stay with arriving to class early, paying attention, listening to what they say and taking note of those words; get involved in this learning experience by asking questions and consulting all your doubts.

Also, if you are one of the people who is embarrassed to participate in public and you prefer to keep a low profile, remember that the questions can not only be asked in a class.

You can also do it outside of this or you can create a study group with other colleagues where doubts are clarified between all of you.

4. Tell yourself what you are learning

There is nothing like a good conversation with yourself and for this reason, in addition to strengthening your memory for the long term, is that you tell and review with your other self, everything that you have learned and repeat that a couple of times.

It is something like doing a review on those topics that you are studying, in this way you will record each of those details in your mind and you will keep them in mind so that the entire learning process will be facilitated.


5. Apply what you have learned to your daily life

Being a good student is not just getting good grades, passing exams with a perfect grade or studying every day at home.

The key is to understand concepts and analyze how those concepts could be applied in your everyday life.

This is known by the most outstanding students of your college or university and it is one of their secrets to be so good at everything they do.

6. Study as if it were an exam

There is a good way to make sure that we are learning what we have studied and that is to do a kind of evaluation of what you learned each time you finish your study day.

Design questions and obviously answer them without the help of notes, books or the Internet. Also, don’t forget to set a time.

This, in addition to checking your knowledge, will help you face the exams and in case that word causes you fear, it will help you face it.

7. You must learn from mistakes

This advice not only applies to your life, but also to your studies.

Review your previous exams or class exercises where you were wrong, look and analyze what went wrong, until you really understand and understand how to correct those mistakes.

Successful people always analyze each of their mistakes so as not to repeat them.

 8. Rest is a fundamental matter for good students

You really like this point, right? There are those who think that filling up on information to learn better is effective.

However, all they are doing is overloading our brain with information and this means that it will retain little information.

It’s fine if you want to learn a complete encyclopedia, but do it in parts, give your mind a break.

Study, rest, study, rest and so on. You will see how this technique works best for you.

 9. Sleep at least six hours

Not everything can be study and stay up late studying. Did you know that fatigue is the number one enemy of excellence? This has a logical explanation.

When you get enough sleep, your brain processes the information it has learned during the day, and although it sounds strange, the truth is that the more you sleep, the more you learn.

Obviously, it’s not about you sleeping 20 hours and studying 4, but in reality, successful students recognize and know how important a good rest is.


10. Stay up-to-date on the topics you are passionate about

Good students learn because they enjoy studying and not out of obligation.

A custom in them is that they are up-to-date with the information they like. For example, if you are studying Social Communication you should know what is the national day to day and the main international news.

You must show interest in those topics that are related to what you are studying.

Finally, we believe it is important to point out and clarify that each of us has his way of studying and learns in his own way.

You do not have to follow these steps to the letter if you think that doing it in another way will get a better result.

You are free to choose which are the best study habits. In addition, good students are characterized by seeking and experimenting with new ways of learning, so here we only share one that we hope will be of great use to you.

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