Writing a Winning Why This College Essay: 7 Essential Tips for Success

After putting all their effort into the Common App essay, students often hit a wall when faced with additional supplemental essays. These extra essays can ask about anything from your intellectual interests to your thoughts on wisdom teeth. But the most crucial question they pose, in one form or another, is why you believe their school is the best fit for you. Unfortunately, many students fall into the trap of using clichés or empty statements in their responses to this question. But don’t worry—it’s not as daunting as it seems. Writing a winning “Why This College Essay” comes down to following seven simple tips. This list outlines what you should avoid (“don’ts”) and what you should focus on (“do’s”) to make your essay stand out. Stick to these tips, and your essay will shine.

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1) Avoid vague compliments

Picture this: an admissions officer, tired after a long day, reads your 37th “why this college essay”. They see you want to attend their school because it’s “great” and “has a stellar reputation.” They yawn and move on. Generic praise won’t impress anyone. If you want to praise a college, be specific and genuine. Do your research to make your compliments count.

2) Avoid generic essays

If you’re applying to 8-12 schools, it’s tempting to take shortcuts with your essays. But don’t let that backfire. Having a general structure is fine, but avoid making your essay sound generic and uninspired. And be careful not to mix up details about different schools. If you’re in a rush, make sure you fill in the blanks flawlessly. You don’t want to tell one school you’re a fan of their rival team.

3) Focus on essential details

Sure, you may have tried delicious pancakes at a local restaurant during your visit to a college. But save that story for Yelp, not your “Why Us?” essay. Details like strolling through campus courtyards or enjoying the weather may seem appealing, but they don’t set you apart. Instead, focus on meaningful reasons why you want to attend that college. Don’t waste valuable words on details that won’t make a difference.

4) Embrace individuality

Playing it safe and sticking to clichés in your “Why Us?” essay won’t set you apart from the crowd. Sure, you might produce a decent essay, but in a pool of applicants with single-digit acceptance rates, being competent isn’t enough. To stand out, you need to transcend the ordinary.

Think of it like this: In a highly competitive environment where more people lose than win, blending in won’t add value to your application. Most of your equally brilliant peers will submit essays that lack glaring flaws, but that’s not enough to make you memorable.

However, this doesn’t mean you should strive to be different just for the sake of it. Writing your essay in an obscure language or being intentionally controversial won’t impress anyone. Instead, aim to be different in an authentic and sincere way. But how do you do that? Let’s delve into that right now.

5) Demonstrate your research

Let’s revisit our uninspired example from earlier: You say University X is “great” because Professor Anderson’s research on the human genome inspired you to study biology, and you’re impressed by their one-of-a-kind undergraduate research initiatives. You go on to praise their state-of-the-art laboratories that were recently renovated. By expressing your passion for biology and tying it to University X’s offerings, you’ve caught the admission officer’s attention.

Admissions officers want to see that you’ve done your homework on their institution. So where can you find this kind of substantive information? Utilize college guidebooks, take a campus tour, chat with university representatives, or do some thorough online research.

6) Expand on your passions

This essay isn’t just about praising the school; it’s also a chance to explain why you’re a perfect fit for it. What clubs, activities, or study abroad programs interest you? Are there unique degree programs or research opportunities you’re excited about? If you struggle to answer these questions sincerely, reconsider why you’re applying to that school in the first place.

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7) Highlight the match

To craft a standout “Why Us?” essay, merge the previous tips: demonstrate your research and expand on your passions. Connect the school’s opportunities to your interests and talents. For example, if Reed College offers a rigorous environment for intellectually serious students, explain why that appeals to you and how it aligns with your academic goals.

Ultimately, your goal is to show why you belong at that school and why it’s a great fit for you. If you can convincingly demonstrate this and avoid common pitfalls, you’ll have mastered the “Why Us?” essay.

Writing a Winning Why This College Essay – Conclusion

In conclusion, mastering the “Why Us?” essay requires more than just praising the school’s reputation or listing generic reasons for wanting to attend. It’s about demonstrating your genuine interest, aligning your passions with the school’s offerings, and showcasing how you would contribute to and thrive within the academic community.

By following the tips outlined in this article—avoiding clichés, conducting thorough research, expanding on your passions, and highlighting the match between you and the school—you can craft a compelling and memorable essay that sets you apart from other applicants.

Remember, the goal is not to blend in with the crowd but to stand out in a meaningful and authentic way. So, take the time to reflect on why you’re drawn to each school and convey that enthusiasm and connection in your writing. With careful thought and attention to detail, you can impress admissions officers and increase your chances of admission to your dream college.